DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-671DS1 CONV-BD
busyout pnc-standby
Fiber link can not be removed if PNC
duplication is operational. Must busyout
the standby PNC first.
Enter change system-parameters
duplication. Change the
Operation of PNC Duplication?
Disable PNC duplication.
list fiber-link
Determine the fiber-link number that the
four TN574 circuit packs to be upgraded
are associated with.
busyout fiber-link
<fiber #> fiber # represents the fiber-link number
associated with the TN574 DS1 CONV
Complexes that are being upgraded to
TN1654 DS1 CONV Complexes.
remove fiber-link <fiber #>
Remove the four TN574 DS1 CONV circuit
packs from the system.
Replace the TN574 Y-cables with
appropriate TN1654 Y-cables.
Replace the removed TN574 DS1 CONV
circuit packs with TN1654 DS1 CONV circuit
packs. Prior to installing the TN1654 boards,
review the prior section,
TN1654 Board
Configuration Switch Settings
If a TN1654 DS1 CONV board is connected
to an SNI board, upgrade the SNI to a
TN573B or greater.
Wait for the circuit packs to reset Red and green LEDs will light and then go
Enter change circuit-packs <cabinet #>.
Update the form to show that TN1654
boards are now being used instead of
TN574 boards. Also update the connected
SNI, if applicable, to suffix B.
cabinet # represents the cabinet
associated with a DS1 CONV board. The
change circuit-packs
needs to be updated for all four DS1
CONV boards. Also, if needed, re-add
translations for connected EI boards.
Table 9-260. Upgrading TN574 DS1 CONV Circuit Packs in a fiber-link to
TN1654s—Duplicated PNC — Continued
Steps Comments
Continued on next page