DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-727DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
and released, or if some other recent maintenance was performed on the
standby SPE, it may take up to 10 minutes for the standby SPE to be
refreshed. Use
status spe
to determine if
State of Health:
for the
Mode: standby
side is displayed.
■ If handshake is down, continue with step 5.
■ If the Standby State of Health is other than functional, continue with
step 2.
■ If the Standby State of Health is functional, enter the command
reset system interchange
If the SPE interchange occurred,
replace the standby
DUPINT using the replacement procedure for the standby
If the SPE interchange did not occur
continue with step 2.
2. If there are no major alarms against MEM-BD, PKT-INT, SYSAM,
H-ADAPTR, or SW-CTL, continue with step 5 in this procedure.
3. If MAJOR alarms cannot be resolved for MEM-BD, PKT-INT, SYSAM,
H-ADAPTR, or SW-CTL using their associated maintenance procedures,
escalate the problem. These MAJOR alarms must be resolved before
continuing with DUPINT and DUP-CHL Maintenance.
4. If any MAJOR alarms were resolved for MEM-BD, PKT-INT, SYSAM,
H-ADAPTR, or SW-CTL using their associated maintenance procedures,
test DUPINT and DUP-CHL again: use
busyout spe-standby
followed by
test duplication-interface long clear
and see if any tests fail. Enter
release spe-standby
■ If any test fails, continue with step 5 in this procedure.
■ If all tests pass, wait up to 10 minutes and enter
status spe
determine whether
Standby Refreshed? yes
State of
Health: functional
are displayed for the standby SPE.
If the above are not displayed,
go to Step 5 of this procedure.
If the above are displayed,
enter the command
reset system
■ If this interchange was not successful, continue with step 5
in this procedure.
■ If this interchange was successful, use the busyout
spe-standby command followed by the test
duplication-interface long clear command and see if any
tests fail. Execute release spe-standby.
If all tests pass,
the duplication channel has been
successfully tested in both directions and this procedure is
If any test fails
, replace the standby DUPINT using the
previous replacement procedure for the standby DUPINT.