6-2 System Utilities
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
The CFGDEV.SYS file is located on drive B of the MX2. When
CFGDEV.SYS is loaded by the CONFIG.SYS file on that drive, a
logical character-based device called PARAMS is created. This device
receives programming strings that modify the configuration parameters
that control the behavior of several system components. There are three
ways you can send programming strings to the PARAMS device:
Special barcode labels beginning with $+$- and ending with EE can be
scanned using any barcode scanning device. Appendix C contains many
useful labels.
File Copy
Files containing the barcode programming strings can be created and
copied to the PARAMS device. The Configuration Utility creates a file
called BPARAMS.INI that contains all of the configuration settings. The
autoexec.bat file on the MX2’s drive C contains the following
EXIST c:\bparams.ini copy c:\bparams.ini PARAMS
which copies the BPARAMS.INI file to PARAMS. You may also create
your own file containing configuration settings.
Example: To use the D2 defaults with the CTL-ALT-DEL key
sequence disabled, complete the following steps:
1. Create a MYPARAMS.INI file with the following text:
D2 sets the D2 defaults, and E00 disables the CTL-ALT-DEL key
2. Copy MYPARAMS.INI to the PARAMS device using the following
DOS command:
Library API
The API in the MX2 run-time library contains two function calls that
allow you to send configuration strings to the PARAMS driver from
within a C application. See CFG_Write() and CFG_Read() in the
“MX2 Programmer’s Reference.”