6-24 ROM-DOS Commands
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
The NEWFILE command allows you to continue CONFIG.SYS file
processing from a new file. The file can be located in another directory
or even on a different drive.
The NEWFILE command is especially useful when the CONFIG.SYS
file is located on an inaccessible drive or in ROM. Additional device
drivers or instructions can be added easily to the new file and will be
processed along with the main CONFIG.SYS file upon starting the
When the NEWFILE= instruction is processed, control will be passed
from the present file (the one containing the NEWFILE instruction) to
the file specified in the command. Any commands placed after the
NEWFILE instruction in the original file will not be processed. If for
some reason the specified file name cannot be located, CONFIG.SYS
processing will be terminated (even if instructions were to be placed
after the NEWFILE command) and the remainder of the startup process
will be completed.
NEWFILE commands can be nested. That is, your original
CONFIG.SYS can call a second set of instructions via the NEWFILE
command. The second file can in turn call a third file by using the
NEWFILE command, and so on. Be sure that each filename in the
successive steps has a unique name, otherwise, an infinite loop will be
created as control is passed back to the same file repeatedly.
Each filename given in a NEWFILE command line will have an
environment variable of the same name.
The following example will cause instructions in the file
NEWCFG.SYS, located in the C:\BIN directory, to be executed as part
of the CONFIG.SYS file. The contents of NEWCFG.SYS may include
any of the commands listed in this section.