User Guide 31ProFire 610
If you are experiencing clicks and pops in your recordings:
• Whenclockingtoanexternaldigitaldevice,makesuretheinputsourceontheSettingstaboftheControl
Panel is set to “External - S/PDIF.” See the section about Word Clock for more information.
• Makesureyourinputlevelsarenottoohigh,asthiscancausedistortionandclipping.Checktheinput
level meters in your audio application.
• IfyouhaveconnectedProFire610toacomputerthroughaFireWirehub,tryconnectingtheinterface
directly to your computer to see if the problem resolves.
• CertainPCmotherboardsfeaturenetworkadaptersthatmayconictwiththeFireWireportandresultin
streaming issues for attached FireWire devices. Try disabling your network interface adapter (NIC) to see
if the issue resolves. This can usually be done through the system BIOS or the Windows Device Manager.
Please refer to your Windows or motherboard documentation to learn how to do this.
• WindowsXP/VistaUsers:TryincreasingtheProFire610buffersize.Largerbuffersizeswillincrease
latency but will reduce the demands placed on your computer and may improve audio streaming. Buffer
size settings can usually be changed through your audio application’s “setup” or “preferences” menu or the
ProFire 610 Control Panel.
For more troubleshooting tips, visit the Knowledge Base at