Section One - Introduction
The 14.4 Kbps Series FAX/Voice/Data Modem con-
nect your computer to all popular high speed modems
available today. This manual describes the hardware instal-
lation procedures for your new modem product. Additional
information on AT commands and S-registers are provided
so that your system can be customized for a particular
operating environment.
Section Two - Installation
This section will provide step by step instructions on
how to install your new 14.4 Kbps FAX/Voice/Data modem.
Installation of this modem product is a two-step process
consisting of actual hardware installation and communica-
tion software installation and configuration.
2.1 Unpacking Your Modem
Before you begin your installation, be certain that you
have all the items listed below. This package contains:
• A modem • A telephone cable
• User's manual • Software for the modem
• Software user's manual
2.2 Hardware Installation
Installation of this modem requires opening and ma-
nipulating your PC. Exercise caution at all times when
working with AC powered and static-sensitive equipment.
Turn off and unplug your PC before installation. Discharge
any static electricity from your body by touching any metal
1. Turn off and unplug your computer from the AC outlet.
2. Determine how many serial ports are built into your com-
puter (examine the back of your computer). Refer to Figure
2-1 to identify common serial ports.
male connector
Figure 2-1 Common Serial Ports