3.3 Basic AT Commands
In the following listings, all default settings are printed
in bold text.
Command Function
A Manually answer incoming call
A/ Repeat last command executed. Do not precede
A/ with AT or follow with ENTER
AT Appears at the beginning of every command
B_ B0 CCITT mode
B1 Bell mode
D_ 0 - 9, A-D, # and *
P pulse dialing
R originate calls in answer mode
T touch-tone dialing
W wait for second dial tone
, pause
@ wait for five seconds of silence
! flash
; return to Command Mode after dialing
DS=n Dial one of the four telephone numbers (n=0-
3) stored in the modem’s non-volatile memory
E_ E0 Commands are not echoed
E1 Commands are echoed
+++ TIES Escape Characters - Switch from Data
Mode to Command Mode
H_ H0 Force modem on-hook (hang up)
H1 Force modem off-hook (make busy)
I_ I0 Display product-identification code
I1 Factory ROM ID
I2 Internal memory test
I3 Device ID
I4 Internal ID
L_ L0 Low speaker volume
L1 Low speaker volume
L2 Medium speaker volume
L3 High speaker volume
M_ M0 Internal speaker off
M1 Internal speaker on until carrier detected