This chapter describes the parameters available with the KA counter.
4.1 Overview of Parameters
In order to use the KA counter (and connected linear scales) for machining operation, it is
necessary to set up conditions such as the count direction or the scale reference point
detection direction.
Also, by setting the resolution and diameter display required for machining and corrections
for machine tool errors, the counter can be customized to your requirement and more
accurate machining is insured. These conditions to be set up are called parameters, and
setting them in the counter is called parameter setup.
The parameters are comprised of a parameter number and setup data. The setup data is
selected from among data already saved in the counter memory, or is entered directly from
the ten-key.
The setup data for parameters that have already been set up once is saved in the counter
memory even when the power is off. Also, it is possible to check or initialize (restore the
factory settings) the parameters.
No. 99MBE032A