6.4 Precautions for Using the Code Out Unit
Precautions for data output via the RS-232C Code Out Unit of the KA counter that is
connected to the AT700 series is shown below.
For ordinary data outputting (by using a command or touch signal probe), the KA
counter does not use latch signals for sampling count values. For this reason, if a data
request is made while the scale is traversing at a speed greater than 70 mm/s, incorrect
data may be output. In order to prevent this over-speed error, take either of the two
measures shown below:
1. For data output via the code out unit, ensure that the scale is traversed at a speed
of 70 mm/s or less.
2. Take measures to ensure that the customer’s system ignores the output data via the
code out unit if the scale is being traversed at a speed greater than 70 mm/s.
6.5 Precautions for Using the Linear Scale Adapter
and Micrometer Head Adapter
Various parameters are required to be set if linear scales including AT2/AT11 are
connected to the KA counter via the linear scale adapter (No.09AAA207) and if the
micrometer head adapter (No.09CAB231) is connected to this counter.
Set up parameters according to the table below.
Parameter Meaning 09AAA207 09CAB231 09AAA207(MHD-25H)
91 Resolution round-off 2 0 0
92 Decimal point position 3 3 4
93 Number of divisions 0 0 0
94 Detecting count 2 0 0
95 Digit shift 0 0 0
6.6 Conformance to CE
This product conforms to the following standards:
• EN61326-1:1997+A1:1998
• EN61010-1:2001
In the case of using this product on a machine being subject to the Machinery Directive
EN60204-1, take measures to ensure that the product conforms to the Directive.
No. 99MBE032A