
L NAPCO Security Systems
X GEM-P1664 Installation Instructions
WI1424A 1/06
Page 25
Basic Operation
ACTIVATE FAULT FIND (Available with the Dealer Program Code)
This troubleshooting aid will help the installer locate swingers. When accessed, two things occur:
The loop response of each zone is set for the fastest response time.
Causing or repairing a fault activates the sounder for about 7 seconds.
Tapping and poking at suspect points, the installer can easily locate swingers by listening for the beep. This eliminates
the need of returning to the keypad to visually check after each attempt. Press the
C button to restore normal
operation. Arming the system automatically cancels the Fault Find Mode. Note: When testing wireless systems, the
keypad will not beep if the signal strength is less than "3".
The "Fault Find" function (a Function Menu selection) is enabled, and normally causes all zones to give a two second
beep at the keypad(s) when any zone is faulted or restored. As required by SIA CP-01, Fault Find is expanded with
the following features when Digital Dialer Report Enter/Exit Test Mode is programmed. This option is programmed
when "Enable CP-01 Feature" is selected in the Easy Program Menu:
When Fault Find is entered, it reports to Central Station that "Test Mode" is in progress.
Fault Find can not be initiated from an armed panel, and all digital dialer reporting is inhibited while in Fault
Fault Find Central Station Reporting Code is located at address 2053.
Keypad will display the following warning that the system is in Fault Find: "FAULT FIND RF SIG POWER - - "
If 24-hour zone is open at end of test, no report is sent. If a 24-hour zone is tripped and not restored during
Fault Find, when the mode is exited the zone will display as "Faulted" on the keypad display.
When Fault Find is exited by pressing C, a Fault Find Restore Report will be sent.
At the Keypad, press the NEXT/YES button to activate the User Program (Program-1) Mode or Dealer Program
(Program-2) Mode, depending upon the code entered. Scroll through the program functions using the NEXT/YES
button and the PRIOR/NO button.
Used on-site for remote downloading of a control-panel program from the PCD-Windows Quickloader Download soft-
ware. Press the NEXT/YES button to initiate the data transfer.
Refer to the chart on page 52.
Refer to the chart on page 54.