
X GEM-P1664 Installation Instructions
L NAPCO Security Systems
WI1424A 1/06
Page 32
on an open loop.
Note: (1) If a zone is programmed for both "Day Zone Open" and "Day Zone Short", either condition must be reset before the other
can activate. (2) Day Zone Short will not function if No EOL Resistor is also programmed. Report Trouble or Trouble Restore is pro-
grammed in conjunction with Day Zone Open/Day Zone Short and Trouble on Open/Trouble on Short (the trouble reported will be
that programmed under Day Zone Open and/or Day Zone Short).
Note: Do not program a Day Zone for 24-hour protection. The keypad will annunciate as a Day Zone but the panel will transmit an
Alarm Code and a Trouble Code when tripped.
Dealer Security Code
The factory-programmed Dealer Security Code is "456789". Use this code to enter the Easy Menu Driven Mode (Dealer Program
Mode) to program (or change) the Dealer Security Code. The Dealer Security Code is needed to enter the Dealer Program Mode,
thus allowing the dealer to program codes, zone features, reporting features and zone descriptions. This code should be changed as
Dial-Tone Detection; Disable Auto Dial-Tone Detection
The panel features automatic dial-tone detection to ensure that a dial tone is present before the communicator dials. To disable this
feature, program an "8" in Location 0394.
When an "E" is programmed before the first digit of an outside telephone number, the communicator dial-tone detection circuit is set
to detect the standard 440Hz dial tone. The "E" is generally entered in the location immediately preceding the telephone number.
It may be necessary to program at least one 4-second pre-dial delay before a dial-tone detection "E". With certain nonstandard
exchanges, pre-dial delay "D"s may be used without a dial-tone detection "E". (See Access Number for Outside Line; Pre-Dial Delay;
Telephone Numbers)
Digital Dialer Report Enter/Exit Test Mode
Initiation Report. At the initiation of a test, the control panel sends a message to the central station that a test is in progress. The
"Fault Find" function (a Function Menu selection) is enabled, and normally causes all zones to give a two second beep at the keypad
(s) when any zone is faulted or restored. As required by SIA CP-01, Fault Find is expanded with the following features when Digital
Dialer Report Enter/Exit Test Mode is programmed. This option is programmed when "Enable CP-01 Feature" is selected in the
Easy Program Menu:
When Fault Find is entered, it reports to Central Station that "Test Mode" is in progress. On completion of the report, a Ring-
Back will be given.
Fault Find can not be initiated from an armed panel, and all digital dialer reporting is inhibited while in Fault Find.
Keypad will display the following warning that the system is in Fault Find: "FAULT FIND RF SIG POWER - - "
If 24-hour zone is open at end of test, no report is sent (GEM-P1664). If a 24-hour zone is tripped and not restored during
Fault Find, when the mode is exited the zone will display as "Faulted" on the keypad display.
When Fault Find is exited by pressing C, a Fault Find Restore Report will be sent, and upon completion of the report a
Ring-Back will be given.
Disable Call Waiting (Touch-tone® Dialing Only)
A digital communicator connected to a telephone line with Call Waiting may be disrupted by this feature. However, most lines with
Call Waiting also have Selective Call Waiting, which permits the feature to be turned off by dialing a "*70" just before the telephone
number. A "*" will be dialed by programming a "B".
If the installation has the Call Waiting feature, be sure that it also has Selective Call Waiting, and confirm the disable code with the
telephone company. Then program this code ("B70") directly before the phone numbers (after dial-tone detection or pre-dial delay) in
the telephone-number locations. See Telephone Numbers.
Caution: Should the user cancel his Call Waiting service, the communicator will dial a wrong number unless the phone number is
Disable Call Waiting on 1
Cancel "*70" after the 1
dial attempt. Default is disabled. When enabled, this option will dial the Central Station telephone number
as it is programmed in the panel. If the first communication is unsuccessful, the next and remaining dial attempts will remove the
star button (entered as a "B" from the keypad) and the 2 subsequent digits from the Central Station telephone number.
Disable Callback Download See Callback-Method Download
Disable Code Required for Easy Bypass (Do not program for UL installations)
Any or all zones (1-64) programmed for Selective Bypass may be removed from the system, but each must be removed separately.
Refer to BYPASSING ZONES in Section 3 for operation. Security Bypass, recommended for commercial applications, requires entry
of a valid user code. Easy Bypass, recommended for residential applications, is selected by programming Disable Code Entry for
Easy Bypass; this will permit bypassing/unbypassing zones without the need of entering a code. Do not program this feature in high-