ophank 315
[SysR,SysU,HSV] = ophank(Sys,{nsr,onepass})
Parameter List
Inputs: Sys Linear, stable, state-space system (continuous)
nsr (optional) Order of the reduced system. If not speciļ¬ed,
the user will be prompted for its value after the Hankel
singular values are displayed.
Keywords: onepass (Boolean) If equal to 1 (true), reduction is calculated in
one pass. If false (!onepass or onepass=0), reduction is
calculated in (number of states of Sys - nsr) passes. De-
faults to 1.
Outputs: SysR Reduced order system; dynamic system object.
SysU Anti-causal optimal system, (only with one keyword); dy-
namic system object.
HSV A column vector containing the Hankel singular values of
the system, Sys.
Calculates an optimal hankel norm reduction of Sys for the additive case.
Any initial state values or state names associated with Sys are not assigned to SysR or
SysU. Input and Output names are maintained.
The current version of ophank is unable to deal with discrete time systems. Users are
advised to call makecontinuous on discrete systems before calling ophank,andthen