
A Translation Between Matlab µ-Tools and Xµ
This appendix outlines the functional equivalences between the Matlab µ-Tools and
Xmath Xµ. The objective is to provide a smooth transition for users moving from
µ-Tools to Xµ. We will assume that the reader is familiar with Matlab µ-Tools and the
general operation of Xmath. The intent is that the overall functional capabilities are the
same under either system and a prospective robust control designer chooses between
Matlab, Xmath, or future matrix languages, on other issues (cost, support, software
compatibility, etc.).
There are enough similarities between µ-Tools and Xµ that one can move from one to the
other without a great deal of additional learning. Most of the differences are syntactic.
There is not always a direct function for function match between the two systems.
The major differences are:
The built-in data structures available with Xmath.
The discrete-time system is available as an Xmath data object.
Slightly different function names.
The mu and musynfit functions handle the scaling and perturbation matrices in
matrix, rather than coded vector, form.
The implementation of the D-K iteration is slightly different.