7000 Series L3 Managed Switch Reference Manual for Software v2.0
8-32 Routing Commands
Type Mismatch
Represents the total number of VRRP advertisements received
for which 'auth type' not equal to locally configured one for this
virtual router.
Packet Length Errors Represents the total number of VRRP packets received with
packet length less than length of VRRP header
config router vrrp interface adminmode
This command enables and disables the virtual router configured on the specified interface.
Enabling or disabling the status field starts or stops a virtual router. The parameter <vrID> is the
virtual router ID which has an integer value ranging from 1 to 255. The adminmode can be set to a
value of enable or disable.
Default Disable.
Format config router vrrp interface adminmode
<slot.port> <vrID> <enable/disable>
config router vrrp interface routerID
This command sets the virtual router ID on an interface for Virtual router configuration in the
router. The parameter <vrID> is the virtual router ID which has an integer value range from 1 to
Default There is no default value for vrID.
Format config router vrrp interface routerID
<slot.port> <vrID>
config router vrrp interface priority
This command sets the priority value for the virtual router configured on a specified interface. The
priority of the interface is a priority integer from 1 to 254. The parameter <vrID> is the virtual
router ID which has an integer value ranges from 1 to 255.
Default 100
Format config router vrrp interface priority
<slot.port> <vrID> <1-254>