7000 Series L3 Managed Switch Reference Manual for Software v2.0
ACL Commands 10-1
Chapter 10
ACL Commands
Show Commands
The show commands show the current settings for a command.
show acl summary
This command displays a summary of the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that are associated with
interfaces in the system.
Format show acl summary
ACL ID This field displays the ACL identifier.
Rules This field displays the number of rules that are associated with
this ACL.
Interface(s) This field displays the interface in Slot.Port format that are asso-
ciated with this ACL.
Direction This field displays the packet filtering direction for the ACL on
the interface. The possible values are ‘inbound’ and ‘outbound’.
show acl detailed
This command displays an Access Control List (ACL) and all of the rules that are defined for the
ACL. The
<aclid> is the number used to identify the ACL.
Format show acl detailed <aclid>
Rule Number
This displays the number identifier for each rule that is defined
for the ACL.
Action This displays the action associated with each rule. The possible
values are Permit or Deny.
Protocol This displays the protocol to filter for this rule.
Source IP Address This displays the source IP address for this rule.