To access the Pre Dive Planning Sequence
(while in the Surface mode) -
• Press the Left (Advance) button 1 time
• Press and release the Right (Select) button to advance
through the Depths/Times, one screen at a time; and then
to Surface Mode.
• Press the Left (Advance) button to access Fly Mode.
• The unit will revert to Surface Mode after 2 minutes if no
button is pressed.
• With each depth displayed by the Pre Dive Planning
Sequence, you will see either predicted no decompres-
sion limits (NDLs) based upon your previous dive profiles
(if calculated to be nitrogen controlled), or predicted
oxygen tolerance limits (OTLs) based upon either a single
dive exposure or your 24 hour accumulation of oxygen (if
calculated to be oxygen controlled).
• The Maximum Depth allowed for the PO2 Alarm and
FO2 set points will also be displayed.
• Depths greater than the maximum depth that can be
achieved with a PO2 of 1.60 ATA will not be displayed.
• If the Tissue Loading Bar Graph is displayed (Fig. 43),
that next dive is calculated to be controlled by nitrogen
• If the O2BG and O2 symbol are displayed (Fig. 44), it is
calculated to be controlled by oxygen loading.
Fig. 44 - Oxygen Control
Fig. 43 - Nitrogen Control