Information from your latest 24 dives is stored in the Log for viewing. The first dive of a
new 'activation period' will be #1, then #2, etc. After 24 dives are accumulated, each
subsequent dive will overwrite the oldest dive in the Log (i.e., the most recent dive deletes
the oldest). Log information will not be lost when the battery is removed, but factory
service will delete data.
Dives are displayed in a reverse sequence that starts with the dive most recently recorded
back to the oldest of the 24 dives stored. Thus, your most recent dive will always be the
first shown in the sequence. Each dive has three log screens - Date/Time started, Nitro-
gen data, and Oxygen data (not displayed if the dive included a Violation). Dives are
identified by the Date/Time started and 'number' that day.
Button Control in Log Mode -
• The Left (Advance) button is used to access a specific dive's Log.
• HINT: To bypass a dive's Log and search for another in the sequence, press the Left
(Advance) button repeatedly. Do not press the Right (Select) button until you find the
dive Log you wish to view.
• The Right (Select) button is used to view the second and third screens (Nitrogen and
Oxygen related data) for that dive.
• To return to Surface Mode at any time while in Log Mode, press Both buttons simulta-
neously for 2 seconds.
• The unit will automatically revert to Surface Mode after 2 minutes if no button is
pressed while in the Log Mode.