Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
blocks are highlighted. Clicking the jog-wheel opens up the parameter window for that processing block.
Parameter adjustment is accomplished using the previously described method—clicking the parameter to
select it, turning the jog wheel to adjust it, and then clicking to save the selection and change the jog-wheel
back to Highlight Mode. The following sections provide insight into each of the processing blocks and their
associated adjustments.
Wideband AGC (WB)
This is the first processing section within the Omnia, so the controls in this section affect the overall signal,
its density, and hence affect every other processing section following it. The job of the Wideband AGC is
to erase long-term audio level fluctuations, while doing so in a very unobtrusive manner.
Wideband AGC Submenu
The AGC Drive control is calibrated between –12dB and +6dB, and adjusts the signal level into the
Wideband AGC. This control should be adjusted to net approximately 12dB of gain reduction with typical
programming. Too little gain reduction can defeat the “leveling” function of the Wideband AGC. Too
much gain reduction has little additional benefit. Nominal gain reduction values for the Wideband AGC are
between 10 and 15dB.
The Attack and Release controls set the Wideband AGC time constants in relative terms using the numbers
0 - 7. Lower numbers are slower time constants, while higher numbers are faster time constants. Because
the time constants are program-dependent, calibrating these controls in absolute time values (ms/dB) would
be useless—therefore we use relative numbers. Use a higher number if you want “faster” attack and
release, and a lower number for "slower" attack and release. A special algorithm within the Wideband AGC
Attack time circuit prevents the loss of Wideband AGC gain reduction when the Attack time control is
operated at extremely slow values.
The Make-Up Gain control sets the amount of gain to be filled in during quieter, softer program passages.
The range is OFF to 7. This function is also program dependent, and it interacts somewhat with the main