Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
AGC Crossover (XO)
The audio signal from the WB AGC section is divided into five user-adjustable frequency bands within the
AGC XO section. The crossover frequency points for the five bands are controlled by the four controls
along the bottom of the window. The various crossover choices are:
Low Freq. to Mid Low (LF/ML) – 100Hz, 120Hz, 150Hz, 190Hz, 250Hz;
Mid Low to Mid High (ML/MH) – 400Hz, 500Hz, 700Hz, 1Khz, 1.5Khz;
Mid High to High Freq. (MH/HF) – 2.5Khz, 2.8Khz, 3.2Khz, 3.7Khz, 4.4Khz;
High Freq. to Super High (HF/SH) – 5.5Khz, 6Khz, 7Khz, 8.5Khz, 10Khz.
Note: The factory default crossover points for all presets are 150Hz, 700Hz, 3.2kHz and 7kHz.
AGC Crossover Submenu
The drive level to each AGC band can be set by the controls at the top of the window. There is +/-6 dB of
gain adjustment available for each band. Just as in properly setting a program equalizer, the best sound,
consistent with preserving signal headroom is usually obtained by reducing the gain of the louder band(s)
rather than increasing the gain of the lower level band(s).
For example: if the program source material has widely varying high frequency levels, a common action is
to just turn up the output mixer controls. However, consistency can be improved much more effectively by
adding a bit more drive level to the upper AGC bands, and then reducing their output levels slightly in the
post AGC Mixer. This type of adjustment strategy will result in better long-term high frequency
consistency, and a more pleasing air sound.