3-5-8 SYSMAC LINK/SYSMAC NET Link System Service Time
AR 16 provides the time allocated to servicing operating level 0 of the SYSMAC
LINK System and/or SYSMAC NET Link System during each cycle when a SYS-
MAC LINK Unit and/or SYSMAC NET Link Unit is mounted to a Rack.
AR 17 provides the time allocated to servicing operating level 1 of the SYSMAC
LINK System and/or SYSMAC NET Link System during each cycle when a SYS-
MAC LINK Unit and/or SYSMAC NET Link Unit is mounted to a Rack.
These times are recorded in 4-digit BCD to tenths of a millisecond (000.0 ms to
999.9 ms) and are refreshed every cycle.
15 to 12 11 to 08 07 to 04 03 to 00
3-5-9 Calendar/Clock Area and Bits
Calendar/Clock Area A clock is built into the C200HX/HG/HE CPU Units. If AR 2114 (Clock Stop Bit) is
OFF, then the date, day, and time will be available in BCD in AR 18 to AR 20 and
AR 2100 to AR 2108 as shown below. This area can also be controlled with AR
2113 (30-second Compensation Bit) and AR 2115 (Clock Set Bit).
Calendar/Clock Bits
Bits Contents Possible values
AR 1800 to AR 1807 Seconds 00 to 59
AR 1808 to AR 1815 Minutes 00 to 59
AR 1900 to AR 1907 Hours 00 to 23 (24-hour system)
AR 1908 to AR 1915 Day of month 01 to 31 (adjusted by month and for leap year)
AR 2000 to AR 2007 Month 1 to 12
AR 2008 to AR 2015 Year 00 to 99 (Rightmost two digits of year)
AR 2100 to AR 2107 Day of week 00 to 06 (00: Sunday; 01: Monday; 02: Tuesday; 03: Wednesday; 04:
Thursday; 05: Friday; 06: Saturday)
30-second Compensation Bit AR 2113 is turned ON to round the seconds of the Calendar/clock Area to zero,
i.e., if the seconds is 29 or less, it is merely set to 00; if the seconds is 30 or great-
er, the minutes is incremented by 1 and the seconds is set to 00.
Clock Stop Bit AR 2114 is turned OFF to enable the operation of the Calendar/clock Area and
ON to stop the operation.
Clock Set Bit AR 2115 is used to set the Calendar/clock Area as described below. This data
must be in BCD and must be set within the limits for the Calendar/clock Area
given above.
1, 2, 3... 1. Turn ON AR 2114 (Stop Bit).
2. Set the desired date, day, and time, being careful not to turn OFF AR 2114
(Clock Stop Bit) when setting the day of the week (they’re in the same word).
(On the Programming Console, the Bit/Digit Monitor and Force Set/Reset
Operations are the easiest ways to set this data.)
3. Turn ON AR 2115 (Clock Set Bit). The Calendar/clock will automatically start
operating with the designated settings and AR 2114 and AR 2115 will both
be turned OFF.
The Calendar/clock Area and Bits are refreshed each cycle while operational.
Note The accuracy of the clock is as follows:
Temperature Accuracy/month
55°C –3 to 0 minutes
25°C ±1 minute
0°C –2 to 0 minutes
AR (Auxiliary Relay) Area Section 3-5