
access words in EM bank 1 and not the DM area. In this case, the second oper-
and in the MOV(21) instruction transfers #1234 to a word in the EM bank. (For
example, #1234 will be moved to EM 0100 if DM 0000 contains 0100.)
Later in the program, the destination for indirect addressing (DM) is switched
back to the DM area by executing IEMS(––) with an operand of 000.
Note 1. Be sure to return the indirect addressing destination to its default (the DM
area) when necessary. The destination will be returned to the DM area auto-
matically at the beginning of the next cycle.
2. The destination for indirect addressing reverts to the DM area at the start of
interrupt subroutines, but can be changed within a subroutine. The destina-
tion is returned to its original setting when control is returned to the main pro-
3-12-2 The Current EM Bank
The current EM bank is set to bank 0 when the PC is turned on, and the current
EM bank can be changed by EMBC(––) or IEMS(––). Unlike the destination for
indirect addressing, the current bank number is not initialized at the start of a
cycle or the start of an interrupt subroutine.
After the PC has been turned ON, the switched bank status will be resumed after
the PC mode is changed or execution of an interrupt subroutine is completed.
EM (Extended Data Memory) Area Section 3-12