
5-5SectionR: Routing Table
The following tables list the error messages that are displayed on the check re-
sults screen. After confirming the check results, use E: Edit to correct the rout-
ing tables, then check them again.
Local Network Table
Error message Meaning Action to be taken
Too many networks The number of networks set
in the table is outside the
allowable range (0 to 16).
Data may have been
Initialize the routing tables,
then set them again.
Local netwk addr err The network address
specified in the Loc Netwk
column is outside the
allowable range (1 to 127).
Change the network address
to a value between 1 and
SIOU unit No. range
The unit number is outside
the allowable range (0 to
Change the unit number to a
value between 0 and 15.
Dup local netwk addr The same local network
address is specified more
than once.
Change the local network
address to a unique address.
Dup SIOU unit No.
The same unit number is
specified more than once.
Change the unit number to a
unique number.
Relay Network Table
Error message Meaning Action to be taken
Too many networks The number of networks set
in the table is outside the
allowable range (0 to 20).
Data may have been
Initialize the routing tables,
then set them again.
End netwk addr
range err
The end network address is
outside the allowable range
(1 to 127).
Change the network address
to a value between 1 and
Relay netwk addr rng
The relay network address is
outside the allowable range
(1 to 127).
Change the network address
to a value between 1 and
Relay node addr rng
The relay node address is
outside the allowable range
(1 to 126).
Change the network address
to a value between 1 and
Dup end netwk addr The same end network
address is specified more
than once.
Change the local network
address to a unique address.
Relay netwk addr err A network address not in the
local network table is
specified as a relay network
Specify one of the network
addresses set in the local
network table.
Error Messages