5-3SectionL: Data Link
5-3-9 Reading Data Link Tables from a File — L: Retrieve Table
“L: Retrieve table” is used to read data link tables from a file into computer
With Controller Link Support Software Ver. 2.00, data link tables can be saved in
the file formats shown below.
Format Extension Reading supported
Controller Link Support
Software Ver. 2.00
.CL2 Yes
Controller Link Support
Software Ver. 1.10
.CLK Yes
CX-Net on
.CL3 Yes (see note 1)
Note Data link tables in CX-Net format can be read but not saved.
There are differences in PC model information between the Controller Link Sup-
port Software and the CX-Net. Therefore, when reading CX-Net format files with
Controller Link Support Software, the data will be converted in the way shown in
the following table. When performing operations where a high degree of preci-
sion is required, such as when checking data link tables, reset as necessary.
Model information in CX-Net on
Model information in Controller LInk
Support Software
No specification No specification
C200HE C200HE(-Z)
C200HG C200HG(-Z)
C200HX C200HX
CV2000 CV2000
CV1000 CV1000
CV500 CV500
CS1G CS1G-45
CS1H CS1H-67
C200HX-Z C200HX-85Z
C00HG-Z C200HG(-Z)
C200HE-Z C200HE(-Z)
IDSC No specification
Note 1) If data link tables are read from a file, the current data link tables in the
memory will be lost.
2) If data link tables in the memory have been modified, a confirmation window
will be displayed when you attempt to read data link tables from the file.
3) Data link table files for the Controller Link Support Software are not compat-
ible with those for the SYSMAC LINK Support Utility.
1, 2, 3... 1. Select “L: Retrieve table” from the Data Link Menu. If data link tables in the
memory have been modified, a confirmation window will be displayed.
Press “Y” to continue or press “N” to cancel the process, and then press the
Enter Key. If data link tables in the memory have not been modified or “Y” is