5-1 Initial System Checks and Test Run Procedure
5-1-1 Initial System Checks
Note Check the following items after setting up and wiring the CPM1A. Be sure to
check the wiring and connections before performing a test run.
Item Points to check
Power supply and
I/O connections
Is the wiring correct?
Are the terminals securely tightened?
Are there any shorts between crimp connectors or wires?
Refer to 3-4 Wiring and Connections for details.
Connecting cables Are the cables all connected correctly and locked?
Refer to 3-4 Wiring and Connections for details.
Dustproof label Has the dustproof label been removed?
Note 1. Always clear memory before beginning to program the CPM1A. Although
memory is cleared before the CPU Unit is shipped (except for bits with spe-
cific functions), AR 1314, which turns ON when the internal capacitor cannot
back up memory, may have turned ON during shipment.
2. If the CPM1A will be turned off for periods exceeding the data backup period
of the internal capacitor, design the system so that it will not be influenced if
data in the DM, HR, and CNT areas is cleared when power is turned off.
3. Either switch the CPM1A to RUN or MONITOR mode, or turn off and on
power to the CPM1A after changing from a Programming Device any data
that is backed up in flash memory. This data includes the user program,
read-only DM area (DM 6144 to DM 6599), and the PC Setup (DM 6600 to
DM 6655).
5-1-2 CPM1A Test Run Procedure
1, 2, 3... 1. Power Supply Application
a) Check the CPM1A’s power supply voltage and terminal connections.
b) Check the I/O devices’ power supply voltage and terminal connections.
c) Turn on the power supply and check that the “PWR” indicator lights.
d) Use a Peripheral Device to set the CPM1A to PROGRAM mode.
2. I/O Wiring Checks
a) With the CPM1A in PROGRAM mode, check the output wiring by turning
on the output bits with the force set and force reset operations.
Refer to 4-3-23 Force Set, Reset for details.
b) Check the input wiring with the CPM1A’s input indicators or a Peripheral
Device’s monitor operations.
3. Test Run
a) Use a Peripheral Device to set the CPM1A to RUN or MONITOR mode
and check that the “RUN” indicator lights.
b) Check the sequence of operation with the force set/reset operations, etc.
4. Debugging
Correct any programming errors that are detected.
5. Saving the Program
a) Use a Peripheral Device to write the program to a backup floppy disk.
b) Print out a hard copy of the program with a printer.
Note Refer to Section 4 Using Peripheral Devices for details on SYSMAC Support
Software or Programming Console operations.
Initial System Checks and Test Run Procedure Section 5-1