
FALS(07) is an instruction that causes a fatal error. The following will occur when
an FALS(07) instruction is executed:
1, 2, 3... 1. Program execution will be stopped and outputs will be turned OFF.
2. The ERR/ALM indicator on the CPU Unit will be lit.
3. The instructions 2-digit BCD FALS number (01 to 99) will be written to
SR 25300 to SR 25307.
4. The FALS number and time of occurrence will be recorded in the PCs error
log area if a Memory Cassette with a clock (RTC) is used.
The FALS numbers can be set arbitrarily to indicate particular conditions. The
same number cannot be used as both an FAL number and an FALS number.
To clear an FALS error, switch the PC to PROGRAM Mode, correct the cause of
the error, and then clear the error using the Programming Console.
MESSAGE MSG(46) MSG(46) is used to display a message on the Programming Console. The mes-
sage, which can be up to 16 characters long, is displayed when the instructions
execution condition is ON.
5-4 Programming Console Operation Errors
The following error messages may appear when performing operations on the
Programming Console. Correct the error as indicated and continue with the
operation. Refer to the SYSMAC Support Software Operation Manuals: Basics
and C-series PCs for errors that may appear when operating the SSS.
Message Meaning and appropriate response
REPL ROM An attempt was made to write to write-protected memory. Set bits
00 to 03 of DM 6602 to 0.
PROG OVER The instruction at the last address in memory is not NOP(00). Erase
all unnecessary instructions at the end of the program.
ADDR OVER An address was set that is larger than the highest memory address
in Program Memory. Input a smaller address.
FALS 00 has been input, and 00 cannot be input. Reinput the
I/O NO. ERR A data area address has been designated that exceeds the limit of
the data area, e.g., an address is too large. Confirm the
requirements for the instruction and re-enter the address.
5-5 Programming Errors
These errors in program syntax will be detected when the program is checked
using the Program Check operation.
Programming Errors
Section 5-5