Communications Cycle Time Section 8-2
8-1-4 Specifying Network Parameters
The network parameters can be specified from the Controller Link Support
Software. This section describes only the allowable setting range for each net-
work parameter. Refer to the Controller Link Support Software Operation
Manual (W308) for setting procedures.
The following table shows the setting range and default for network parame-
The network parameters become valid immediately after being set.
Note 1. The setting range will be 2 to 62 and the default value will be 62 when the
Wired Network 62 Node Enable Bit in the DM Parameter Area software
switches of the CS1W-CLK21-V1 or CJ1W-CLK21-V1 Unit is ON and the
Unit is restarted.
2. Always stop the data link before changing network parameters.
3. Specify a value for the maximum node address that is equal to or greater
than the maximum node address in the Controller Link Network.
4. For the CVM1 and CV-series PLCs, always set the System Protect Key
Switch on the CPU Unit to NORMAL. Otherwise, the network parameter
settings will not be stored normally.
5. The maximum node address cannot be changed to 32 when the Wired
Network 62 Node Enable Bit is ON in the DM Parameter Area software
switches of a CS1W-CLK21-V1 or CJ1W-CLK21-V1 Unit with unit version
1.2 or later.
8-2 Communications Cycle Time
This section describes how to calculate the communications cycle time.
8-2-1 Active Data Links
The following equations are used to calculate the communications cycle time
when data links are operating.
Wired Systems
Note A: Total number of data link words within the network
(total number of words in send areas of all nodes)
B: Number of polled nodes per comm cycle
(value specified in the network parameters)
C: Number of nodes connected to the network
D: Number of nodes that send messages during the
communications cycle
Network parameter Setting
Maximum node address 2 to 32
(See note 1.)
(See note
Number of polled nodes per communications cycle 1 to 31 4
Maximum no. of event-frames per communications
6 to 238 35
Baud rate Equation
2 Mbps 10 × A + 600 × B + 290 × C + 320 × D + 4 × E + 3,290 (µs)
1 Mbps 18 × A + 1,150 × B + 370 × C + 360 × D + 8 × E + 3,770 (µs)
500 Kbps 34 × A + 2,260 × B + 530 × C + 440 × D + 16 × E + 4,730 (µs)