Handling Precautions Section 9-6
Relay Terminal Blocks (CJ1W-TB101) can be used on any node but the
end nodes to enable replacing the Controller Link Unit with the communi-
cations cable connected and turn OFF the power to only the Unit being re-
placed. Refer to Appendix C Using the Relay Terminal Block for details.
3. When replacing the Unit, do not reconnect that node to the Network before
carrying out the procedures listed below. In particular, a node with a small
address will become the polling node and communicate the initial network
parameter status to other nodes, so there is the chance that network pa-
rameters in the entire Network will be damaged.
9-6-2 Setting the Unit after Replacement
After replacing a Controller Link Unit, reset the hardware switches, software
switches, and data link tables, and wire it in the same manner as the previous
Unit. This section describes settings that require particular care. Refer to the
Unit replacement methods later in this section for details on replacing the Unit.
!Caution After replacing the CPU Unit, transfer important data, such as DM and HR
Area contents, to the new CPU Unit before restarting operation. Depending
on the program, accidents can occur as a result of incorrect DM or HR Area
CS/CJ-series, CVM1, and CV-series Controller Link Units store data such as
data link tables, network parameters, and routing tables in the CPU Unit.
When replacing the CPU Unit, reset these settings using the Controller Link
Support Software.
Resetting Network Parameters
When a C200HX/HG/HE or CQM1H-series Controller Link Unit has been
replaced or a CPU Unit has been replaced for a CS/CJ-series, CVM1, or CV-
series Controller Link Unit, it is necessary to reset the network parameters,
data link tables, and routing tables. This sections describes the resetting pro-
cedure for the network parameters. For details on data link table resetting pro-
cedures, refer to 5-2 Setting Data Links and for routing table resetting
procedures, refer to 7-4 Setting Routing Tables.
1,2,3... 1. Network parameters are read from the polling node when the Network is
activated and this information is distributed to all nodes in the Network. For
this reason, set the polled/polling node setting in the DM Parameter Area
for the node replaced to a polled node before reconnecting the Unit to the
Network. For C200HX/HG/HE and CQM1H-series Controller Link Units,
the EEPROM Clear Bit in the DM Parameter Area will already be set to
clear EEPROM (ON or 1).
CS/CJ-series Controller Link Units
C200HX/HG/HE Controller Link Units
0: Polling node
1: Polled node
Polled node/polling node
– : Other settings
DM 30000 + 100 × n
n = Unit number
Operating level 0
DM 6400
Operating level 1
DM 6420
–: Other settings
EEPROM Clear Bit 0: Do not clear EEPROM
1: Clear EEPROM
Polled node/polling node 0: Polling node
1: Polled node