Sending Commands From a PC Section 5-3
File memory 22 01 FILE NAME READ Reads file memory data.
22 02 SINGLE FILE READ Reads a specified length of file data
from a specified position within a single
22 03 SINGLE FILE WRITE Writes a specified length of file data
from a specified position within a single
22 04 FILE MEMORY FORMAT Formats (initializes) the file memory.
22 05 FILE DELETE Deletes specified files stored in the file
22 07 FILE COPY Copies files from one file memory to
another file memory in the same sys-
22 08 FILE NAME CHANGE Changes a file name.
22 0A MEMORY AREA–FILE TRANSFER Transfers or compares data between the
I/O memory area and the file memory.
22 0B PARAMETER AREA–FILE TRANSFER Transfers or compares data between the
parameter area and the file memory.
22 0C PROGRAM AREA–FILE TRANSFER Transfers or compares data between the
UM (User Memory) area and the file
22 15 CREATE/DELETE DIRECTORY Creates or deletes a directory.
Debugging 23 01 FORCED SET/RESET Force-sets or force-resets bits, or
releases force-set status.
23 02 FORCED SET/RESET CANCEL Cancels all bits that have been force-set
or force-reset.
Usage Command
Name Function