
Appendix F
CPU Bus Unit Allocations in the CPU Unit
The CPU Bus Units, including Ethernet Units, are allocated words in the CPU Unit’s CIO Area and DM Area
according to the unit numbers. This appendix is provided for easy reference. For details, refer to Section 4 Sys-
tem Setup and Memory Allocations.
CIO Area Allocations
Each Unit is allocated 25 words in the CIO Area, as shown in the following table.
Unit No.
Allocated words Unit No.
Allocated words
0 (0) CIO 1500 to CIO 1524 8 (8) CIO 1700 to CIO 1724
1 (1) CIO 1525 to CIO 1549 9 (9) CIO 1725 to CIO 1749
2 (2) CIO 1550 to CIO 1574 A (10) CIO 1750 to CIO 1774
3 (3) CIO 1575 to CIO 1599 B (11) CIO 1775 to CIO 1799
4 (4) CIO 1600 to CIO 1624 C (12) CIO 1800 to CIO 1824
5 (5) CIO 1625 to CIO 1649 D (13) CIO 1825 to CIO 1849
6 (6) CIO 1650 to CIO 1674 E (14) CIO 1850 to CIO 1874
7 (7) CIO 1675 to CIO 1699 F (15) CIO 1875 to CIO 1899