Section 5-2
PC ladder program
Create a PC ladder program as follows:
Word for least significant 4 digits of #1
Word for most significant 4 digits of #1
Word for most significant 4 digits of #1
Word for #2
25506 (=)
1 second clock
Program operation
(1) The contents of word DM0000 are incremented by 1 each second. The value
displayed on the NT600S in numeral table entry #1 increases by 1 each se-
(2) When the counter in (1) above causes an increase in the most significant dig-
its, the contents of word DM0001 are incremented by 1 each second. The val-
ue displayed on the NT600S in numeral memory table entry #1 most signifi-
cant digits increases by 1.
(3) When bit 00001turns ON, the contents of DM0002 are incremented by 1. The
value displayed on the NT600S in numeral memory table entry #2 increases
by 1.
6-2-3 Changing Displayed Numerals or Character-Strings (Changing the
Contents of Allocated Words ..... Indirect Specification)
When displaying numerals or character-strings, it is possible to change them indi-
rectly by specifying anumeral memory table. The contents of the specified numer-
al memory table (39 in the following example case) is regarded as the memory
table number used for display.
Either of the following two methods can be used to change the contents of the dis-
(1) Changing the memory table number to be displayed
(To change the contents of numeral memory table 41, in the following exam-
ple case)
(2) Changing the contents of the memory table used for display
(To change the contents of character-string memory table 39, in the following
example case)