Section 1-5
Touch switches
Allocation destination: Bit
Touch switch #12
Bit 009012
Bit 009012: ON
The lamp comes on (flashes) when the PC’s control bit is ON (1) and goes off
when it is OFF (0). While the touch switch is pressed, the PC’s notification bit
turns ON (1), and when it is released, the bit turns OFF (0).
Numeral memory table
Allocation destination: Word
Numeral memory
table 1 (TIM003)
Numeral memory table 150 (0005CH)
Allocate numeral memory tables to arbitrary words in the PC. If word contents
change when corresponding numeral memory table is displayed on the screen,
the value on the screen will also change. Monitoring of words can also be made
Reading and writing are executed so that the contents of allocated words are
always the same as those of the numeral memory tables.
Character-string memory table
Allocation destination: Word
Character-string memory table 1
Allocated word number: 3ch
First word: DM0100
(“a”, “b”)
(“c”, “d”)
(“e”, “f”)
Allocate character-string memory tables to arbitrary words in the PC. If word
contents change when corresponding character-string memory table is dis-
played on the screen, the value onthe screen willalso change. Messages canbe
displayed easily.
Reading and writing are executed so that the contents of allocated words are
always the same as those of the character-string memory tables.