Section 2D: Your Media and Entertainment Center 125
View Album Information and Buy an Album
1. Make sure you have a connection to a Wi-Fi network (see “Wi-Fi” on page 230). (You
can buy music files without a Wi-Fi connection, but you must be connected to a Wi-Fi
network to download them.)
2. Search for (see “Search for a Specific Song, Album, or Artist” on page 123) or browse to
(see “Browse Songs, Albums, Artists, or Genres” on page 124) an album, and tap the
album name.
3. To preview a song, tap anywhere on the song entry except the price.
4. Do either of the following:
Ⅲ Tap the album price and tap Buy.
Ⅲ Tap a song price and tap Buy.
Your credit card is charged for the price of an item as soon as you tap Buy.