Section 2B: Move Around on Your Phone 81
Move Around
7. After you download an app, tap Tap to Launch to open it The app also now appears as
an icon in the Launcher, so you can open it from the Launcher as well.
Copy Files Between Your Phone and Your Computer
You can copy files from a computer to your phone, and from your phone to your computer, by
putting your phone in USB drive mode.
When your phone is in USB drive mode, you can’t make or receive calls or use other wireless
features such as email or the Web.
1. Connect your phone to your computer using the USB cable.
2. On your phone, tap USB Drive. (On your computer, your phone appears as a removable
Before you tap Download or Update make sure you know whether the app
is free, must be bought, or can be downloaded in a trial version before you
buy it. Tapping either button commits you to buy a fee-based app. You also
need to make sure you have enough storage space on your phone to fit the
app. Open
Device Info and look at the Available field under Phone.
Did You Know?
After you purchase an application, you can tap the stars on the app details
screen to rate it, or tap Add Review to write a review.
Before you copy files from your computer, make sure you have enough
storage space on your phone to fit the file. Open Device Info and look at the
Available field under Phone.
On a Windows computer, if the Found New Hardware wizard opens, click
Cancel to close the wizard.