Getting, sending, and managing e-mail
Among the types of attachments you can receive are the following handheld
application files:
■ Contacts entries
■ Calendar appointments
■ Tasks list items
■ Text memos
You can also save downloaded files to an expansion card. See “Saving attachments
to an expansion card” later in this chapter for information.
The maximum message size that you can retrieve is 60KB for the body text
and approximately 5MB of total data for any attachments. If the attachment is too
large, it cannot be downloaded to the handheld. Because downloading large
messages can consume handheld resources, the VersaMail application displays the
size of and asks if you want to continue downloading any message that exceeds your
maximum message size, up to a total size of 5MB.
Microsoft Word
Automatically opens in the Word To Go application on your
handheld. You can view and edit the document in the same
way that you could using the Word application on your
Microsoft Excel
Automatically opens in the Sheets To Go application on your
handheld. You can view and edit the spreadsheet in the same
way that you could using the Excel application on your
Graphics files (.jpg,
.bmp, .tif, .gif)
You can download these files and view them using the Palm™
Photos application on your handheld.
Other application
For other types of application files, your handheld may contain
a viewer that allows other applications to pass it a file for
viewing. You do not need to do anything different in the steps
for downloading and viewing attachments; if your handheld
contains such a viewer, the attachment is automatically
opened. If your handheld does not contain such a viewer, you
cannot view the attachment. Among the file types that may be
supported are MP3 and AAC files.
PRC (.prc)
This is a Palm OS
application that you can install and run on
your handheld.
PDB (.pdb)
This is a file that works with specific Palm OS applications.
ZIP (.zip)
These are compressed files that contain other types of files, for
example, text files or Word docs. You can download and
uncompress (“unzip”) a Zip file and then view the contents on
your handheld.