146 :: Contacts
Contacts is where you enter information about people you know. You can access this
info from the Phone application to dial phone numbers and create favorites, and from
the Messaging and email applications to send messages. When you create a contact,
you can also assign a photo and ringtone ID to that contact, so you know when they
call you.
Adding a contact
1. Press Phone/Send .
2. Select the Contacts favorite button.
3. Select New Contact.
4. Use the 5-way navigator to move between fields as you enter information.
5. To add a caller ID photo that displays when that person calls, select the Picture
box. Select Camera to take a photo and add it to this contact entry when you
save the photo, or select Photos to add an existing photo to this contact entry.
6. To place the entry in a category or mark it private, select Details.
7. To add a note to an entry, select Note .
If you have several
contacts to enter, it’s more
efficient to use
Desktop software
or Microsoft Outlook on
your computer and then
synchronize the info on
your Treo™ 650
smartphone with the info
on your computer. For
more information, see
“Synchronizing information”
on page 28.
You can also open Contacts
from the Applications View.
Go to Applications and
select Contacts.
Be sure to label your
contacts’ mobile numbers
correctly. The Messaging
application (see
“Messaging” on page 106)
looks up only numbers
labeled as Mobile.