154 :: Calendar
5. Select the Day box and set any of the following
Day View options:
• Show Category List: The Category pick list
displays in Day View.
• Show Time Bars: The time bars appear in the
Day View to show the duration of an event and
to illustrate event conflicts.
• Compress Day View: When this box is checked,
all time slots display. When this box is unchecked, start and end times display for
each event, but blank time slots toward the bottom of the screen disappear to
minimize scrolling.
• Show Category Column: The color-coded category marker appears between
the time and description to indicate which category the event is filed under.
6. Select the Month box and set any of the following
Month View options:
• Show Category List: The Category pick list
appears in Month View.
• Timed Events: The events that are scheduled for
a specific time appear in Month View.
• Untimed Events: The events that are scheduled
for a specific date but not a specific time appear
in Month View.
• Daily Repeating Events: The events that repeat
every day appear in Month View.
7. Select OK.
If you use Microsoft
Exchange ActiveSync
your email and calendar
information synchronize
directly with your
company's Exchange
server. You must retrieve
email and calendar updates
from the VersaMail
application, they do not
update when you
synchronize with your
computer. See “Working
with Microsoft Exchange
ActiveSync” on page 83
for more information.
Your contacts, tasks,
and memos sync with
Palm Desktop software
or Microsoft Outlook,
depending on which
desktop application