
Zire™ 72 Handheld 304
CHAPTER 18 Sending and Receiving E-mail Messages
Enter the basic account information:
a. In the Account Name field, enter
a descriptive name.
b. Select the Mail Service pick list,
and then select your e-mail
provider. Select Other if your
provider is not listed.
c. If you chose Other, select the Protocol pick list, and then select POP or IMAP.
d. Select the check box if you intend only to synchronize e-mail for this account
on your handheld with a mail program on your computer such as Microsoft
Outlook, Outlook Express, or Lotus Notes. If you intend to ever send or
receive e-mail for this account wirelessly from your handheld (even if you
will also synchronize e-mail), leave the check box deselected.
e. Select Next.
Key Term
Protocol Settings your
e-mail provider uses to
receive e-mail messages.
Most providers use the
Post Office Protocol
(POP); a few use the
Internet Message Access
Protocol (IMAP).
If your e-mail provider
appears on the Mail
Service pick list, you don’t
need to select a protocol.
The correct protocol is
automatically displayed.