
C Glossary
B-16 Centillion 1200N ATM Switch User Manual
NTP 297-8103-903
Child Node
A node at the next lower level of the hierarchy which is contained in the peer group
represented by the logical group node currently referenced. This could be a logical
group node, or a physical node.
Child Peer Group
A child peer group of a peer group is any one containing a child node of a logical
group node in that peer group. A child peer group of a logical group node is the one
containing the child node of that logical group node.
Congestion Indicator: This is a field in a RM-cell, and is used to cause the source
to decrease its ACR. The source sets CI=0 when it sends an RM-cell. Setting CI=1
is typically how destinations indicate that EFCI has been received on a previous
data cell.
Cells In Flight: An ABR service parameter, CIF is the negotiated number of cells
that the network would like to limit the source to sending during idle startup period,
before the first RM-cell returns. Range: 0-16,777,215
Carrier Identification Parameter: A 3 or 4 digit code in the initial address message
identifying the carrier to be used for the connection.
Committed Information Rate: CIR is the information transfer rate which a network
offering Frame Relay Services (FRS) is committed to transfer under normal
conditions. The rate is averaged over a minimum increment of time.
Comite International Special des Perturbations Radioelectriques
Connectionless service: A service which allows the transfer of information among
service subscribers without the need for end-to- end establishment procedures.
Clock: Generates system clock