S Glossary
B-68 Centillion 1200N ATM Switch User Manual
NTP 297-8103-903
A single ATM link or group of interconnected ATM links of an ATM connection.
Selector: A subfield carried in SETUP message part of ATM endpoint address
Domain specific Part (DSP) defined by ISO 10589, not used for ATM network
routing, used by ATM end systems only.
Semipermanent Connection
A connection established via a service order or via network management.
Severely Errored Seconds: A unit used to specify the error performance of T carrier
systems. This indicates a second containing ten or more errors, usually expressed
as SES per hour, day, or week. This method gives a better indication of the
distribution of bit errors than a simple Bit Error Rate (BER). Refer also to EFS.
Source End Station: An ATM termination point, which is the source of ATM
messages of a connection, and is used as a reference point for ABR services. Refer
to DES.
SuperFrame: A DS1 framing format in which 24 DS0 timeslots plus a coded
framing bit are organized into a frame which is repeated 12 times to form the
SDH Frame Interface Termination
Shaping Descriptor
Signal: An electrical wave used to convey information.N ordered pairs of GCRA
parameters (I,L) used to define the negotiated traffic shape of a connection.
Scientific or Industrial Organization
SMDS Interface Protocol: Protocol where layer 2 is based on ATM, AAL and
DQDB. Layer 1 is DS1 and DS3.