
Chapter 2
Configuring network monitoring using
You can configure network monitoring features and display switch statistics
using the CLI. This chapter contains infor mation on the following topics:
"Setting the system event log" (page 31)
"Enabling remote logging" (page 35)
"Using port mirroring" (page 39)
"Displaying port statistics" (page 41)
Setting the system event log
You can set the system event log to log different levels of events. This
section covers:
"show logging" (page 31)
"logging" (page 32)
"no logging" (page 33)
"set logging" (page 33)
"no set logging" (page 34)
"default logging" (page 34)
"default set logging" (page 34)
"clear logging command" (page 34)
show logging
The show logging command displays the current contents of the system
event log. The default value displays all levels in chronological order. The
syntax for the show logging command is:
show logging [config | critical | serious | informational]
The show logging command is in the privExec command mode.
Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470
Configuration System Monitoring
NN47210-503 01.01 Standard
3.7 22 February 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Networks Confidential