
Working with RMON information 93
Figure 34
RmonControl, Insert History dialog box
Select the port from the port list or type the port number.
Set the number of buckets.
The default is 50.
Set the interval.
The default is 1800 seconds.
Type the owner (the network management system that created this
Click Insert.
Table 41 "History tab fields" (page 93) describes the History tab of the
RmonControl dialog box.
Table 41
History tab fields
Field Description
Index A unique value assigned to each interface. An index
identifies an entry in a table.
Port Any Ethernet interface on the device.
BucketsRequested The requested number of discrete time intervals
over which data is to be saved in the part of the
media-specific table associated with this entry.
BucketsGranted The number of discrete sampling intervals over which
data is saved in the part of the media-specific table
associated with this entry. There are instances when
the actual number of buckets associated with this entry
is less than the value of this object. In this case, at the
end of each sampling interval, a new bucket is added
to the media-specific table.
Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470
Configuration System Monitoring
NN47210-503 01.01 Standard
3.7 22 February 2007
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