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≥ Check that the plugs are inserted as far as they go.
≥ Connecting the AV cable in the wrong direction may cause damage to
the USB/AV connector of the unit. If the terminal has become
damaged, it may not operate correctly, including failure to recognize
the cable even if it has been connected.
≥ Always use a genuine Panasonic HDMI mini cable (RP-CDHM15,
RP-CDHM30: optional).
≥ Do not use any other AV cables except the supplied one.
2 Select the video input on the TV.
≥ Example:
Select the [HDMI] channel with an HDMI mini cable.
Select the [Video 2] channel with an AV cable.
(The name of the channel may differ depending on the connected TV.)
≥ Check the input setting (input switch) and the audio input setting on the
TV. (For more information, please read the operating instructions for
the TV.)
B HDMI mini cable (optional)
≥ Be sure to connect to the HDMI terminal.
C AV cable (supplied)
Picture quality
3 High-definition images when connecting to HDMI terminal
4 Standard images when connecting to video terminal
Cables Reference items
B HDMI mini cable
≥ Connecting with an HDMI mini cable
(l 108)
≥ Playback using VIERA Link™ (l 109)
About the status indicator of the unit
≥ While the unit is connected to a television, the status indicator lights
up in orange.
≥ While the unit is accessing the SD card or the built-in memory, the
status indicator illuminates in red. During access, do not disconnect
the HDMI mini cable or remove the battery.