In compliance with the requiremenrs of Part 68 of
the F. C. C. Rules and ~egularions for connection
terminal sysretn (rhis device is classified as terminal
system) to the telephone network and for your
convenience, the following information is presented:
I. Not$cation to the Telephone
Customers connecting rerminal equiptnent to the
relephone network shall, upon request of the Tele-
phone Company, inform the Telephone Company
of the parricular line(s) to which such connection is
made, the F.C.C. registration number and (see label
on borrom of unit.) ringer equivalence number of
the registered tertninal equipment.
The REN is useful fo derertnine rhe quantity of
devices you may connect to your telephone line and
still have all of those devices ring when your
telephone nutnber is called. In most, but not all
areas, rhe sum of the REN’s of all devices connected
to one line should nor exceed five (5.0). To be
certain of the number of devices you tnay connect to
your line, as detertnined by rhe REN, you should
contact your local relephone cotnpany lo determine
4. Compatibility of The Telephone-
Network and Terminal Equipment
(a) Availability of telephone interface in-
Technical information concerning interface pa-
rameters and specifications not specified in FCC
Rules, including the number of Ringers which
may be connected to a particular telephone line,
which is needed to permit Terminal Equipment
to operate in a manner compatible with Tele-
phone Company communications facilities,
shall be provided by the Telephone Company
upon customer’s requesr.
masimum R EN for your calling area.
Direct connection to A Party-line”
or Coin-operated Telephone Line
is Prohibited
Incidence of Harm to The
Telephone lines
Should Terminal Equiptnent cause harm to the
Telephone Network, the Telephone Cotnpany shall,
where practical, notify the customer thar temporary
discominuance of service may be required. Howev-
er, where prior notice is nor practical, the Telephone
Company. may retnporarily discontinue service
forthwith, if such action is reasonable in rhe
circutnstances. In case of such unnotified retnporary
discontinuance of service, the .Telephone Cotnpany
(a) Promptly notify [he customer of such temporary
discontinltance- of service.
(b) Afford the custotner the opporlunity to correct
the situarion which gave rise
the temporary
(c) Inform rhe customer of rhe right lo bring a
complaint 10 the Commission pursuant to the
procedures set out in Subparr .E of Part 68 of
FCC Telephone Equipment Rules.
Changes in Telephone Company Com-
municatioris Facilities, Equipment, Op-
erations and Procedures.
The Telephone Cotnpany tnay make changes in
its communications facilities, equipment, opera-
tions or procedures, where such action is
reasonably required in the operarion of its
business and is not inconsistent with the rules
and regulaGons in FCC Part 68 of the FCC
Rules and Regularions. If such changes can be
reasonablJ1 expected to render any customer
Terminal Equipment incomparible with Tele-
phone Company Communicarions Facilities, or
require modification or allerarion of such Ter-
minal Equipment, or orherwise materially affect
its use or performance, the customer shall be
given adequate norice in writing, to allow rhe
customer an opportunity to maintain uninter-
rllpted service.
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