a DSS console is used the extension number
paired with the DSS console should be assigned.
3. Dial the extension nlonber to which the
console 1 is connected.
4. Press the “ 0 ” button.
Dial (02)
“DSS CONSOLE SET” will be displayed.
2. Press the NEXT button.
The LCD will show “C
l l
l l
C. .-T. .”
when nothing is stored.
When console 1 has been stored to exten-
sion 12, the pair telephone with the console
1 has been stored to extension 13, the
console 2 has been stored to extension 14
and the pair telephone with console 2 has
been stored to extension 15, “C12-T13,
C14-T15” will be displayed.
5. Dial the extension number which is paired
with the console 1.
you don’t connect the console 2, pro-
ceed to step 10.
6. Press the “ 0 ” button.
7. Dial the extension number to which the
console 2 is connected.
Press the ‘I 0 ” button.
9. Dial the extension number which is paired
with the console 2.
Press the MEMORY button.
To return to the initial program mode, press
the END button.
l DSS console can be connected up to two.
0 DSS console can not be connected in pair wit
a standard telephone.
0 DSS console can not be connected at extensio
Mr Jay’s secretary has KX-T61630 at exten-
sion 12 and is to use the DSS console (KX-
T&640), the console should be connected to
extension 13. (Paired extension is ext. 12.) Mr
Brown’s secretary has KX-T61620 at extension
14 and is to use the DSS console (KX-T61640),
the console should be connected to extension 15.
(Paired extension is ext. 14.)
Programming Table
See page 6-14.