168 Installation Manual
Type [Y] (yes) or [N] (no). If "Y" is entered, the system will clear the data. Wait until "Port
Usage Report Data Cleared!!" appears on the screen before proceeding.
7.3.7 Disk Usage Report
The Disk Usage Report indicates the amount of disk storage used and the disk availability in
minutes. It also presents the following statistics:
• The number of messages that were recorded by callers and were copied since the last
clearing of this report.
• The number of messages that were copied since the last clearing of this report.
• The number of messages that were deleted by subscribers, and expired and were removed
by the system since the last clearing of this report.
• The number of messages that expired and were removed by the system since the last
clearing of this report.
FROM: The date and time of the last clearing of this report
Cpy: Copy (Transfer) Del: Deleted Exp: Expired and Removed
7.3.8 Disk Usage Statistics Clear
The Disk Usage Report can be cleared of all values and prepared for use again.
Type [Y] (yes) or [N] (no). If "Y" is entered, the system will clear the data. Wait until "Disk
Usage Report Data Cleared!!" appears on the screen before proceeding.
To select the Disk Usage Report, follow the menu path as shown:
System Administration Top Menu-2-1-6
To clear the Disk Usage Report, follow the menu path as shown:
System Administration Top Menu-2-2-2
** Disk Usage Report 29-MAR-2001 1:32 PM**
Drive Avail Used (%)
1 1958 min 0min (0)
FROM : : 29-JAN-2001 1:25 PM
New Cpy Del Exp
MSGs 0 0 0 0
System Reports - System Report Clear - Disk Usage Statistics Clear
May I clear disk usage report data ? (Y/N) : =