
Installation Manual 53
3.2.1 General Guidelines and Definitions
Optimal performance of the VPS/PBX system relies on proper VPS programming. There are 3
categories of hardware settings: RS-232C, Port Settings, and PBX Interface Parameters.
Entering a number sets some of the parameters, while others use sequence codes.
3.2.2 RS-232C Settings
Baud Rate (300-38400): Specifies the speed at which the data is transferred in bits-per-
Word Bit Length (7-8): Defines the number of bits in each byte or character.
Parity (N, O, E): Specifies the parity used for error detection.
Stop Bit Length (1-2): Specifies the number of bits used to signify the end of the byte.
Default: 9600, 8, N, 1
3.2.3 Port Settings
There is no need to change these in a typical installation. Only change these parameters
when connecting the VPS to a PBX other than a KX-T series PBX. Each port on the VPS
should match the type of signalling the PBX expects. If you need to change these settings,
refer to the PBX manual or customer support office to get the correct values for these settings.
Flash (Recall) Time—100 ms, 300 ms, 600 ms, 900 ms:
The minimum length of time that the PBX requires to recognise a flash (recall) signal.
Choose the amount that is equal to or greater than the PBX’s setting.
CPC Signal (Calling Party Control Signal)—NONE, 6.5 ms, 150 ms, 300 ms, 450
ms, 600 ms:
The length of time allowed for the short break in loop current that is used to indicate that
the caller has hung up; usually set to NONE, since most PBXs do not provide this signal
to single line ports. If choosing a setting other than NONE, use an amount equal to or
less than the PBX or telephone company provided CPC signal.
Disconnect Time—1 s-8 s:
The length of time that the line is temporarily unavailable after a call has ended.
Dial Mode—Touchtone, Pulse 10 pps, Pulse 20 pps:
The type of signalling the PBX single line port expects to receive (pps = pulses per
3.2.4 PBX Interface Parameters
Dialing Parameters
PBX Type:
Specifies the type of PBX which is connected to the VPS.