I/O Ports
Port 1 input/output control register
Register symbol: P1DIR
Address: x'36008061
Purpose: This register sets the port 1 pins for input or output.
(0:input; 1: output)
Bit No. 76543210
Bit name P17D P16D P15D P14D P13D P12D P11D P10D
Reset 00000000
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Port 1 output mode register
Register symbol: P1MD
Address: x'36008021
Purpose: When P1M is "1", the port 1 pins are set as a general-purpose port; when P1M is "0", the port
1 pins are set as data pins.
When P1PU is "1", the port 1 pins are pulled up.
Note: The setting of P1PU that pulls up (or does not pull up) the port 1 pins can be made
regardless of the value of P1M.
Bit No. 76543210
Bit name ------P1PU P1M
Reset 0000001(0) 0(1)
() are set in address/data multiplex mode.
In address/data multiplex mode, pin Nos. 95 and 96 are dedicated for use as RWSEL and AS, respectively,
and cannot be set as ports.
Note that setting P1M to "0" in address/data multiplex mode is prohibited.