
I/O Ports
Port 2 input/output control register
Register symbol: P2DIR
Address: x'36008064
Purpose: This register sets the port 2 pins for input or output.
(0: input; 1: output)
Bit No. 7 6 543210
Bit name P27D P26D P25D P24D P23D P22D P21D P20D
Reset 0 0 000000
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Port 2 output mode register
Register symbol: P2MD
Address: x'36008024
Purpose: When P2M is "1", the port 2 pins are set as a general-purpose port; when P2M is "0", the port
2 pins are set as data pins.
When P2PU is "1", the port 2 pins are pulled up.
Note: The setting of P2PU that pulls up (or does not pull up) the port 2 pins can be made
regardless of the value of P2M.
Bit No. 7 6 543210
Bit name ------P2PU P2M
Reset 0 0 00001(0) 0(1)
() are set when address/data multiplex mode.
Note that setting P2M to "0" in address/data multiplex mode is prohibited.