About the operation window
The default positions are indicated by the circled
numbers. (Broken lined circles are not the default
• Thesetupmenuwillnotbedisplayedonmonitor
q Camera title
The set camera title will be displayed. The camera
title display position can be selected from "Upper
left", "Lower left", "Upper right" and "Lower right".
At the default, the camera title will be displayed at
upper right (R-Upper).
• Thecameratitlewillbedisplayedwithupto14
w Time and date display
The current time (hour, minute, second) and date
(year, month, day) will be displayed.
The time and date display position can be select-
ed from "Upper left", "Lower left", "Upper right"
and "Lower right".
At the default, the time and date will be displayed
at upper left (L-Upper).
• Whenthedisplaypositionofthecameratitleand
the time and date are set at the same position, the
time and date will be displayed at the selected
• Whenselectingmonitor1,itispossibletodisplay/
hide the camera title and the time and date by
pressing the [OSD] button.
e Event display
The event display will be display at the opposite
side of the time and date display.
When the time and date is displayed at the lower
left, the event display will be at the lower right. At
the default, the event occurrence will be displayed
at upper right (R-UPPER).
The event occurrence will be displayed as follows.
"*" indicates the camera channel (1 - 16).
"#" indicates the alarm number.
VMD-*: Displayed when a motion is detected
LOSS-*: Displayed when a video loss occurred
COM-#: Displayed when a command alarm
TRM-#: Displayed when a terminal alarm occurred
EMR: Displayed during the emergency recording
SITE-*: Displayed when a camera site alarm
CMTN-*: Displayed when a motion is detected
(SD5Link camera)
CRMV-*: When an object appears/disappears
(SD5Link camera)
CSTY-*: Displayed when a staying object is
detected (SD5Link camera)
CDRT-*: Displayed when a object moving to the
specified direction is detected (SD5Link cam-
CTRM-*: Displayed when a camera terminal alarm
occurred (SD5Link camera)
CSCD-*: Displayed when an interference with the
camera is detected (SD5Link camera)
• Refertopage56forfurtherinformationabout
each event and their event actions.
Monitor 1
(Monitor to display live images only)