Step 6
After specifying the search conditions (filters), press
the [SET] button after moving the cursor onto the [OK]
→ Copied data matched the search conditions (fil-
ters) will be displayed on the copied data list win-
Step 7
Select the desired copied data to play. To select a
copied data, rotate the jog dial (inside).
• Whentheshuttlering(outside)isrotated,thepre-
vious/next page of the list will be displayed.
Step 8
Move the cursor onto the [B] (play) button, and then
press the [SET] button.
→ Playback of recorded images of the selected cop-
ied data will start.
• DonotremovetheSDHC/SDmemorycardduring
playback of copied data on the SDHC/SD memory
card. It may damage data on the SDHC/SD mem-
ory card.
• Thefollowingoperationsareunavailableduing
playback of copied recorded images.
• Gotolast
• Playbackonamultiscreen
• Playbackofaudio
• Whentherearemultiplecopieddatathathasthe
same start time, camera channel and event, only
the data copied first will be played when any of
them is selected.
Step 9
To stop the playback, press the [STOP] button on the
front panel.
→ Playback will stop. Playback on monitor 2 will be
switched to live image display.
• Whenstartingplaybackfromthedisplayedcopied
data list after filtering, only recorded images of the
listed copied data are subject to play. It is possible
to make all recorded images available to play by
stopping the playback and starting playback
• Whenstartingplaybackafterinsertingtheother
SDHC/SD memory card, select "Hard disk drive"
on the "Select Medium" window first and then
select "SD memory card".